Alina Kazmierczak M.Mus.

Polish born, showing early musical talent was chosen to study for a professional classical musician and started playing Classical (Spanish) Guitar at the age of 7 and Piano at the age of 10.
After 12 years of musical education graduated with High Honours Professional Musician Diploma in Classical Guitar and Piano and continued higher musical education at St. Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdansk where received Masters of Arts Degree with specialisation in Classical Guitar Performance and Teacher Diploma.
After moving to Canada continues to perform and to teach Classical Guitar and Piano for almost 30 years. Her students get high grades in the Royal Conservatory of Music Exams on Piano and Classical Guitar as well as in RCM Music Rudiments Exams.
In 2019 received Teacher of the Year Award from Kollari Institute of Music.
Alina is an ORMTA member and the RCM Certified Piano teacher.
Besides playing and teaching both instruments, for 9 years was a choir conductor, director and accompanist for Ignacy Paderewski Choir in Ottawa directing many concerts in the Nation Capital as well as on tours. In 1997 as a conductor of Ignacy Paderewski Choir received the recognition and appreciation from The Senate of Canada for promoting and preserving polish culture in the Canadian Spirit of Multiculturalism.